The Club shall be known as The Exeter and District Radio Control Club: (E&DRCC)
The purpose of the Club shall be:
(a) To promote the sport provide facilities for and of model aircraft flying in the Exeter & District area.
(b) To assist members to improve their standards of flying.
(c) To organise club competitions, exhibitions and displays of models from time to time.
(d) To encourage Club social activities.
(e) To abide by and promote the national policies and rules of the governing body for the sport by affiliation to the British Model Flying Association (Society of Model Aeronautical Engineers Ltd).
There shall be four classes of membership: Ordinary, Associate, Honorary, Temporary & Junior.
Membership and Subscriptions will be on a non-discriminatory and fair basis.
The Committee reserves the right to refuse both initial and renewal of club membership only for good cause: such as conduct, or character likely to bring the Club, or the sport into disrepute.
Appeal against refusal or removal of membership may be made to the membership.
(a) Ordinary Membership is offered to anyone interested in the sport regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.
However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.
Ordinary members are entitled to participate in all the activities and facilities of the Club.
They must be members of the BMFA. If BMFA membership is not obtained through the Club, members must be able to prove membership if so requested. All members must be registered with the CAA to be able to fly unmanned aircraft legally.
(b) Associate Membership is offered to anyone (as defined above), who do NOT fly model aircraft, but wish to visit the Club flying site and support Club activities.
For safety reasons, access to the Model Pits or the Flight Line, is NOT permitted, unless they are accompanied by a Full Member.
Associate Members may attend Club AGM’s and EGM’s, but will have NO Voting Rights at these meetings.
(c) Honorary Membership may be conferred on members at the discretion of the committee.
Such membership shall be for life.
Honorary Members have the same privileges and responsibilities as Ordinary members.
Should an Honorary Member not wish to fly model aircraft and does not wish to accept office within the Club, they are not required to remain a member of the BMFA.
(d) Restrictions on Non-BMFA members. Any member who is NOT a member of the BMFA, is NOT permitted within the ‘pits’ area or on the flight line unless accompanied by a Full Member.
(e) Temporary Members. Visitors to the area for holidays etc may apply for Temporary Membership of the Club. The period of membership will normally be for one month, but may be extended at the committee’s discretion. Membership fees for temporary membership shall be decided by the committee. Temporary members must have BMFA insurance and must also have the minimum of an ‘A’ certificate of achievement before being allowed to fly unsupervised and must be registered with the CAA.
(f) Ordinary members who are under 18 years of age are classed as Junior Members.
Those under 18 on the date of application or renewal of membership may join/remain as juniors for the remainder of the current club year.
(g) The total number of Ordinary members who may be admitted to the Club for the following year shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting. New Ordinary members who are not existing BMFA members will be required to join the BMFA as a condition of membership of the Club.
(h) All new members to the Club shall be subject to a 6-month probationary period before final acceptance. During this time they will not be eligible to serve on the Committee and may have their membership terminated at the discretion of the Committee for unsatisfactory conduct.
(a)The club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
(b) There will be an initial joining fee. The amount of which shall be determined at the AGM.
(c) The amount of the Annual Subscription shall be proposed to the members by the Committee at the AGM and agreed by the members present.
(d) The Annual Subscription shall be payable at the AGM or by 15 January following the AGM and shall cover membership for one calendar year.
(e) Existing Club members who have not renewed their membership by 15 January will be deemed to have left the Club and will be subject to paying the joining fee on renewal.
(f) New Ordinary members who are not existing members of the BMFA will be required to pay the BMFA fee at the same time as their Club subscription.
The Membership Secretary will issue the certificate of insurance when received from the BMFA.
The Office Bearers shall consist of the Chairman, (Vice Chairman), Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Hon Membership Secretary, Safety Officer, and Field Manager.
All Office Bearers shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election.
(a) A Committee comprising the Office Bearers, plus the PRO, shall manage the business of the Club.
(b) The Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Club ‘Flying Rules’ and Codes of Practice, which shall be binding on all members.
These rules and codes of practice shall be promulgated with this Constitution.
(c) A quorum of the Committee shall be three members of the Committee. It must include any two of the following: Chairman, (Vice Chairman), Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer.
In the absence of the Chairman, the (Vice Chairman), or Secretary, shall chair any meeting.
A simple majority vote shall pass any resolutions.
(d) The Committee shall meet when deemed necessary to conduct the business of the Club.
Minutes of such meetings shall be produced and circulated to Club members.
(e) The Committee shall have the authority to co-opt further members at their discretion.
f) The Club shall maintain an accident register. All members are required to report to any Committee member any serious accident or incident that occurs on the flying field. Serious accidents/incidents are those that cause personal injury or damage to property. This requirement is particularly important if any member of the public is involved.
(g) If a Club Committee member engages or becomes involved in court proceedings, whether criminal or civil, in their representative capacity on behalf of the Club with the sanction of the Committee, the Club will then indemnify them against any fines or damages or costs incurred as a result of such proceedings.
In the event of the said Committee member being awarded any damages or costs, these will belong to the Club and not the member personally and on receipt will be paid to the Club Treasurer.
(a) An Annual General Meeting will be held in December of each year for which at least 21 days’ notice shall be given. The agenda for the meeting will be circulated by means of the newsletter beforehand.
Members may propose, in writing to the Secretary, items for inclusion in the agenda.
These items must be received at least 14 days prior to the AGM.
(b) The meeting shall consider the reports of the Chairman, (Vice Chairman), Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and PRO. The Treasurer shall propose to the meeting the subscription rate for the coming year.
After the subscription rate has been approved the new Office Bearers shall be elected.
The meeting shall then continue under the new Chairman.
(c) Each Ordinary member attending shall be entitled to one vote. Items shall be carried by a simple majority vote of those present except for amendments to this Constitution, which shall require at least 75% of those present to be in favour.
(d) A quorum for any general meeting of the Club shall be five fully paid up members.
(a) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened a any time and must be convened within 21 days of the request of at least 12 paid up Full Members, in writing to the Secretary, stating the purpose for which such a meeting is requested.
(a) The Committee is authorised to expel, in accordance with the following procedure, any member who consistently breaks the Club’s rules or whose behaviour brings the Club’s reputation into disrepute.
If a Committee member receives a complaint that a member has contravened the Club’s rules or Constitution, the complaint must be made in writing and signed by the complainant(s).
The written complaint must then be forwarded to the Secretary so that the matter can be addressed at the next Committee meeting.
(b) The Committee may impose a flying suspension not exceeding 30 days in the event of misconduct. Any suspension must be accompanied by a verbal and/or a written warning as deemed appropriate in accordance
with sub-paragraph c, onwards.
(c) The Committee may consider removal from the list of members, any member whose conduct on the field, or elsewhere, is considered prejudicial to the Club. Dismissal will be in accordance with the following procedure in order to comply with the laws of natural justice.
(d) The member is to be given a verbal warning by an authorised Committee member in which the said member is made aware of his misdemeanour and what he is reasonably required to do to make amends.
(e) If the member does not respond, he is to be given a second written warning by an authorised Committee member to advise him of his misdemeanour and what he is required to do to make amends.
(f) If he still fails to respond, the Committee shall invite him to meet them at a previously agreed date and time to discuss the situation, advising that they are considering withdrawal of his membership.
(g) If he fails to respond to reasoning, or fails to attend without reasonable cause, the Committee will advise him in writing that his membership is withdrawn, stating the reasons why this decision was reached.
(h) When a member is advised of withdrawal of his membership, he has the right of appeal. If he chooses to appeal, this will be to the club membership at an EGM that the Committee will call on his behalf at an agreed time and date.
(i) In the event of gross misconduct as detailed in Appendix ‘A’, immediate dismissal without warnings may be considered, but the member must still be accorded his rights to present his case to the Committee and be given the right of appeal in accordance with sub-paragraphs: f, g, and h above.
Appendix ‘A’ Serious Offences
Breaking the following Club rules shall merit expulsion from the Club on a first offence.
(a) Falsely claiming to be a member of the British Model Flying Association
(b) Knowingly and deliberately flying a model within the designated “NO FLY ZONE“
(c) Flying a model aircraft when full size aircraft are in the vicinity of the Club’s flying field, if such flying results in a complaint, (In contravention of Air Navigation Order Article 63) unless the member can prove that they had fully complied with the Club’s ‘Flying Rules’.
(d) Falsely claiming to have registered with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).
All members under 18 years of age are classed as Junior members. They, along with vulnerable adult members, must be accompanied by either a parent, guardian, or carer, at all times when they are at the flying site.
The only exception is when the parent or guardian has granted an agreement of ‘In Loco Parentis’ in writing to an authorised Club instructor for the purposes of model flying instruction.
Other matters regarding carers, vulnerable adults and juniors are referred to the BMFA guidelines.
(a) All surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the club.
No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.
(b) Audited accounts:
An auditor, who is not a Committee member, shall be appointed by the Committee prior to an AGM.
A financial statement, duly signed by the auditor, shall be submitted to the membership at the AGM.
(c) Withdrawal of funds:
Monies may be withdrawn from Club accounts on two signatures, of any three, comprising the Club Chairman, Hon Secretary or Hon Treasurer.
(d) Assets:
A register of the Club’s assets showing their initial cost, and current valuation, shall be held by the Treasurer and shall be available for inspection at the AGM. These assets shall be written off at a rate decided by the Committee and funds allocated for their replacement.
On Dissolution of the Club, any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered Aeromodelling CASC, or a registered Aeronautical Charity, (eg: The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, or the British Model Flying Association), for use by them in related community sports as decided by the membership, at the final EGM or AGM.
E&DRCC Constitution: Issue 5 amended 21/04/2024